

Anne Everard is an author, speaker and trainer. Passionate about people, she specializes in well-being at work and overall well-being.

She is the author of “Boostez” (2022) which also exists in French and Dutch, as well as the “Guide du burn-out. Comment l’éviter, comment en sortir” (Albin Michel, 2017 – Livre de Poche, 2019) and “50 lepeltjes energie per dag. Je praktische gids om een burnout te voorkomen en te genezen” (Lannoo, 2018).

Anne Everard is a lawyer by training and worked for twenty years in the telecom sector. Thanks to her varied experience as a lawyer at Allen & Overy, in the public sector (Deputy Director of the Federal Minister of Economy), the private sector (Legal and Human Resources Director at TELE2) and as an entrepreneur (co-founder of the speaker’s bureau Read My Lips), she has a holistic view of the work environment and can easily adapt to her different audiences.

She gives lectures and leads workshops in four languages (English, French, Dutch, German)

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